Wow, where has the year gone, right?
Though it seems like a flash, this year will be over in a few weeks, folks.
And you know what that means...time for New Year's resolutions.
I don't know about you, but for me, 2010 has been one of my best writing years yet!
Here's why...
I've landed some major blogging and writing gigs
Met and made some great new writing buddies
Improved my technical savvy (though there's "miles to go before I rest")
I've had several people to request interviews with me
Garnered a few blogging "recognitions"
Current editors, publishers and clients have been a joy to work with
Coffeehouse project has been awesome
My words and works have actually appeared in some traditionally published books by other authors....
And I'm so geeked and optimistic about what the new days ahead could mean on many levels! I feel tremendously blessed.
How about you?
Since I've always been one to plan in advance, here are my creative goals for 2011.
1. To do more guest posting on prominent blogs
2. To contribute to or start my own anthology
3. Seek an agent for my relationship book
4. Land more paid columns
5. To hone my craft and increase my cash
6. To increase my Google "PR" ranking
7. Write and publish more of my poetry
8. Win a blogging award---preferably Writer's Digest
What are your creative goals for the upcoming year? C'mon and put them out into the universe! Do tell...you know you wanna'. :-)
Image: graur razvan ionut
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your success in 2010! You are inspiring me. :) I consider it a great blessing that we met "for real" this year. I'd read your articles previously and was thrilled to meet the famous Jen almost in person. But I don't have your autograph just yet...
I've only vaguely thought about goals for the new year, but plan on formulating a better plan soon. There are so many directions I'd like to go, but I need to buckle down and refine some definites. Thanks for the reminder and inspiration.
Blessings to you and your blog gang,
P.S. One item in the plan is to submit a guest post to Pen and Prosper. Just in case you wanted to know.
ReplyDeleteYou're too kind. :-) You must have read my mind about the guest post. I'll put you down for January, right? :-) Thanks for stopping by...
Jennifer: Congrats on all those things you accomplished in 2010. They are by all means great accomplishments and I know you put a lot of work into your writing, so it must be great to see it paying off in so many ways. I still can't believe it is almost 2011. In fact, not until I started reading your post did I realize that it is probably that time to start looking to 2011 and setting goals. I don't have any writing goals to announce yet, but at least now I am focused on it :) Thanks for the reminder ... it is definitely time.
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear from you today. As they say, "there's no time like the present." :-)
I appreciate your time and thoughts.
Hi Jennifer, first time visitor. My goals are to find an agent and do much more in terms of publicity. Oh, and to publish my second book. ANd thanks for stopping by over the weekend and saying hi.
ReplyDeleteHi Stephen,
ReplyDeleteWelcome, welcome! Glad to have you here. Good luck in your goals for 2011. I'm sure you'll find success.
I just found your blog today (Stephanie from Totally Together Journal linked to you!). I'm following. I will be back to bask in your vast writing knowledge and glean from you.
ReplyDeleteTo quote the McDonald's commercial, "I'm lovin' it!" I look forward to "meeting again".
Thanks for stopping by...
Congrats on your 2010 achievements and wish you many blessings on 2011.
ReplyDeleteMy goals for 2011 is to push my live blogging services and to teach the art of live blogging to awaiting audiences. I will also teach writing classes. Still trying to determine my audience. Oh, I will get published in Chicago and Legacy magazines.
Thanks for the opportunity to put my goals in the Universe.
ReplyDeleteThis is good to know. And by sending them out, you know I'll be keeping up with you to keep up with your progress. :-)
Thanks for sharing.
To be CONSISTENT! Thank you Jennifer for giving me great advice, and helping me to stay the course. I look foward to many more writing opportunities in 2011.
ReplyDeleteNo worries. You've got great talent, and you'll go far. Have I ever steered you wrong? :-)
Wow! Congrats on all your accomplishments Jen. I'm certain you'll succeed with your 2011 goals.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being such a positive role model and a great source of inspiration.
Much thanks, Nikola! Glad to be of help.