Come on. Be honest.
I know I'm not the only one who loves being a part of the blogging community, but at the same time, gets a little bugged by certain activities, tendencies, and missteps made by fellow bloggers and or fans.
Though my mom always told me growing up, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all," sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
So...in the spirit of not necessarily being "negative", but attempting to make the blogging experience a little more enjoyable and enlightening for all of us, here's my part.
For the 1st Time ever, (and hopefully the last), I bring you my blogging pet peeves list. Again, if any of you are guilty of these things, let's not lose love over it. Send me a quick message to help me by explaining why, if possible. Deal?
1. Sporadic and Inconsistent Posts---Sure, it's your Blog and your decision. But, in my mind the whole reason for having an "online journal" is to have people to read your stuff. Right? So be conscious and courteous of this fact by either designating and communicating your posting frequency, or sending a message to inform your blog visitors if you are taking a one month hiatus. Also, if you state on your site, or in your comments on other sites, that you post once a week, please note that that means once every 7 days. Not every 10-12 days...
2. Not Leaving or Responding to Comments if the Situation Dictates. Have a heart. Nobody wants to have a one-way conversation. :-) Even if it's brief, it still counts.
3. Folks Who Don't Take the Time to Proof and Edit for Typos, grammar and or spelling in their work. We all make mistakes. That's a given. Nobody's perfect. But, I have routinely read a few folks who time and time again compromise the quality of their content by overlooking this important step. Labor over your work so readers won't have to.
4. Copycats---It's not unusual to be inspired by something we've read on another site. It happens. And there's nothing unethical about piggybacking off of good ideas, but don't steal them! There's a big difference. If you get an idea for something that pretty much totally came from another blogger's site, why not give him or her recognition? It won't cost you nothin'! Are you with me here? :-)
5. "Blog Snobs"---These folks only leave comments on sites with high visibility or those likely to give a good deal of "link juice". Share the love with others who provide quality content, and who are trying to reach greater heights too!
Okay, that's the most important ones.
Any ones you agree with? Any of your own you'd like to share?
"Speak now or forever hold your peace." :-)
Image: Federico Stevanin