"Required reading" for today's smart writer.

"Required reading" for today's smart writer.
Information & inspiration to hone your craft and increase your cash...Since 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


In many ways, it's been a challenging year.
But, I won't bore you with the details.:-)

Suffice it to say that I'm moving forward...slowly but surely.
This morning as I write this, (at the crack of dawn), I am so grateful for the writer's life, and for my restored computer system!

Due to a nasty computer worm, my system had been TOTALLY corrupted, and I've been dealing with a lot of technical issues.

Even lost some valuable files to "never-never-land"!
(Folks, take it from me, make sure to back up your work by various methods.)

But, all's well that ends well. Right?
Today I can look forward to connecting with you, crafting memorable pieces, and elevating my career to the next level.

...Wishing the same for you!


  1. Hey Jen,
    I am glad you are able to reconnect easily. I am sorry for the lost of your friend. I appreciate the thoughtful things you do. Thank you.


  2. Thanks for your time and comments---and more importantly your friendship!

    You have been a blessing over the years.:-)
