"Required reading" for today's smart writer.

"Required reading" for today's smart writer.
Information & inspiration to hone your craft and increase your cash...Since 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Being a Good Sport in the Writing Game!

When a client of mine contacted me to ask to do a feature “success story” for a prominent business Blog, I was tickled pink!
After all, no matter how widely you've been published, the opportunity to toot your horn never really gets old. Wouldn't you agree?
Not long after our initial contact, we conducted the interview by phone, and I anxiously awaited my “15 minutes of fame.”
Fast forward...
The day the piece appeared, I was, for the most part impressed. The problem?
The client misquoted me on a few things, and misspelled some key information. The perfectionist and teacher in me ached to point out these oversights and errors.
But instead, I thanked him and even gave him a token of my appreciation for his time, effort, and consideration.
The result?
He continuously brings me business and supports my many creative ventures.
The lesson?
In the words of Richard Carlson, P.h.D., “Don't sweat the small stuff.”
The lesson?
Sometimes you have to take a temporary loss for a long-term gain.
Let's face it, though being a writer and independent consultant offers many rewards, like any other profession, it has its hardships and headaches.
But, if we look at obstacles as opportunities to grow and improve our services, we can create win-win situations for all, and stay in the game!

Here are a few key points to remember:

Make sure to put everything in writing to avoid future misunderstandings or delays in pay.

Remember that creative partnerships require chemistry and compatibility much like personal relationships. If you don't “click” with a client, don't be afraid to decline their business, or refer them elsewhere.

Know that everything is not always about making money. Though we are in business to turn a profit, sometimes the relationships, networking, and future opportunities that can develop are equally rewarding.

As they say “adversity builds character”.

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