"Required reading" for today's smart writer.

"Required reading" for today's smart writer.
Information & inspiration to hone your craft and increase your cash...Since 2009

Friday, March 14, 2025

Recommended Reads For Women's History Month


In a popular song of former decades, Helen Reddy sang: "I am woman hear me roar!"

And though we may be deemed the "weaker sex," women are indeed a force to be reckoned with. We are trail blazers, caretakers, "help mates," political decision makers, noted authors, entertainment icons and more. Hello!

Which is why I am tickled "pink" to honor Women's History Month in March. Won’t you join me?

Here are a few fun facts you should know:

  • Women's History Month was established by Congress in 1987 to recognize the collective contributions and historical impact of women through events, programs, and awareness activities.
  • Women's History Month actually evolved from Women's History Week, which was expanded previously from 1981.

In a show of support and solidarity, I’d like to recommend a few reads that will inspire, inform and empower today’s woman. Coffee or favorite brew ready? Let’s dive in here.


1. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff---Kristine Carlson

If you have money or time just for a few reads to add to your list in 2025, this should be in the front running. Oddly, this was an accidental discovery. You see, I was a fan of Richard Carlson, PH. D. and his popular "Don't Sweat" series. So when I came across this book at a local thrift store, I was intrigued, so I immediately bought it. What a major score! Women will discover sage advice like that offered from a best friend. So rich with "valuable gems" that I even recommend it for gift giving.

Chapters include: bust your boredom blues, cut your friends some slack, and stop comparing yourself to the media measuring stick.

2. Simple Abundance---Sarah Ban Breathnach

Given to me by my dear friend Carol, ions of years ago, this book remains a constant source of comfort and inspiration. Sarah helps readers to become more reflective, introspective, and focused on things that really matter in the overall scheme of things. It's a must read for modern women seeking to "be more and not just buy more".

3. The Moments, The Minutes, The Hours---Jill Scott

Scott is the real deal. Whether singing soulful lyrics or penning passionate poetry, this diva keeps things real and relevant . Her poetry is just as moving as her work in the recording studio. Readers will laugh, reflect, relate to the myriad topics covered with great candor.  

4. What Every Woman Should Know About Love & Marriage---Dr. Joyce Brothers

This page turner helps to debunk a lot of myths about marriage and mating. It provides a much-needed reality check for ladies everywhere. To reinforce the "strategies" and advice offered are test studies, case studies, and years of counseling experience provided by one of the most noted female "therapists" of our times.

5. He's Just Not That Into You---Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

Wow...where do I begin?

Have you ever tried to decipher the mixed messages men send? Like he takes your number, says he'll call and doesn't? Or he professes his love, but his actions say otherwise? Well, you'll learn how to pick up important clues, and detect valuable red flags for interacting more successfully with the opposite sex. Published many years ago, good advice never goes out of style.

In conclusion:

With spring break on the horizon, this would be a great time to discover (or re-discover) one or more of the titles shared here. Check Amazon.com or your local bookstore for availability and associated prices.

Thanks for taking this book look with me. I appreciate your time.

Your turn.

What book(s) can you recommend to add to my list? Have you read any of the above? Do tell.

Monday, February 17, 2025

5 Ways to Get Out Your Own Way & Thrive in 2025!

Howdy, readers! It's great to reconnect and embrace a new year! 

Happy belated 2025. Thank you for joining me. 

Unlike many Americans, I rarely commit to establishing new year's resolutions. The reason? I find that much like diets, they tend to lack real staying power. No matter how well-intentioned. Instead, I "commit" to purposely living a more progressive, peaceful, profitable year than the one before. I "resolve" to garner actionable lessons from everyday experiences to better position myself for where I want to be in life. And you should, too.  

Take today's post, for example. The concept was inspired by some real life experiences that evolved from event planning over the winter months. And a few observational ones from life in general.

Side note here: my mom used to always say that we can learn from every person, event or mistake, if we are receptive and open-minded.

 So, if you're on board, let's get busy. Pencils ready?

Let's examine 5 ways to survive and thrive in 2025 (in no particular order).


No doubt about it, perfection is a noble goal. But in most instances it's also unrealistic, unattainable, and exhausting. And I should know. I grew up with high expectations; which put a lot of pressure on me in the evolving years. It was also unhealthy to my mind and my body, I discovered. Trust me. No matter how brilliant, strategic, intentional, and ambitious you are, there will always be variables you simply can't control.

The weather might be unpredictable. A vendor may not deliver as promised. Something gets lost in the mail. Or other mishaps that are courtesy of Murphy's Law. Instead of striving for perfection, strive for excellence. Send that manuscript out that you've been working on seemingly forever. Polished, but perhaps not perfect.


While planning a big event that celebrated an important milestone in my life this year, I went to great lengths to make sure that I got everything exactly right. I agonized over all the details. I made a list and checked it twice. I rehearsed. I attempted to choose the perfect outfit. I re-thought my decisions. By the time the big day arrived, I almost lost sight of the real objective of the event. Which was to honor and enjoy the important people in my life and a new, lovely chapter being ushered in. Things, in some ways, turned out better than I expected. Which leads me to my next crucial lesson.


There is power in prayer. There is relief in realizing that, if we get out of our own way, and trust in a higher power, we can transform our lives. Things can turn out better than we could have ever executed on our own. We can have a happier ending than we envisioned sometimes. Believe it to achieve it. I'm living proof.


It's great to have a generous spirit, to make efforts to meet people's needs. To be a blessing to othersOf course, within reason. The reality is, no matter how hard we try, we're never going to please everyone. Not our editors, not our audiences, not our family members, not our friends. With this being said, be authentic. Stop apologizing. Stop trying to cater to everybody's whims and wishes. Learn to say "no" when it serves in the interest of self-preservation. Stay true to your values, your voice, your purpose. If you do, you'll live with fewer regrets and greater passion. And in the end, folks will respect you more. You'll respect you more.


I am loyal to a fault. In fact, many of my friends today are people I have known through grammar school and through college. I value them. But, I have also come to terms with the fact that everybody that's a part of our past does not necessarily merit being a part of our future. Hello? Sometimes relationships are not reciprocal or compatible. Or they are toxic. Or folks outgrow each other. Whether it's professional, platonic, or romantic. The bottom line? 

As Kenny Rogers would say "know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em."  Recognize that sometimes we hold ourselves back by the things we hold on to. 

 And you can quote me on that. :-)

Thanks for reading.

Your turn, readers. 

Agree or disagree? 

How do you plan to get out of your own way in 2025?

Image credits: Pixabay.com

Monday, January 13, 2025

This Just In! I'm a Finalist in 2025...

 Greetings, Readers 

Happy belated New Year! I am interrupting my scheduled break temporarily to share a bit of good news.

Recently, I was designated as a finalist in Chicago's 3rd annual " Name That Plow" Contest. And I am geeked. The competition is fierce.

My entry was chosen, along with 49 other windy city dwellers, amid a slew of submissions.

The contest received coverage on several local news outlets, even. From the 50 finalists, the 6 entries with the highest number of votes, will receive photo opps, 15 minutes of fame and Chicago swag. How sweet it is!

For those of you in Chicago, I would love your support and your vote!

My entry is "SCOOP, THERE IT IS." You can also vote for five additional entries. 

And let me tell you, there are some great submissions being considered. The deadline is January 21, 2025.

Thanks for your time. I will keep you posted.

Here's the site for more details...and to hopefully cast your vote.


Thanks for reading. See you in February.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Enjoy the Holidays With More Pleasure & Less Pressure

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" "Tis the season to be jolly...!"
There's no doubt about it. The winter holidays are the most hyped, hurried, pressure-oriented, celebrated time of the year. Hands down.

For many Americans, it's a time of jubilation, wonderment, good food and good fun. For others? Well, it's a season of sadness, depression, and stress.
Memories of loved ones lost. Anticipation. Expectations. Family obligations.
Being stretched financially and physically.
It can be overwhelming indeed.

Regardless as to which category or camp you fall in, there's a way to navigate the days ahead with more pleasure and less pressure.
So, if you're on board, grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and let's explore a few. Shall we?


Whether it's shopping, meal planning, or cleaning, tending to the necessities in advance will save time, frustration, and sometimes money.

Remind yourself that the holidays don't last forever. As the bible states "and this too shall pass." Doing so may give you a sense of relief and peace.

As my friend Karen sometimes reminds me, it's important to recognize that as humans, despite our best efforts, we may miss the mark. The turkey might taste like leather, we may forget to dust in the living room, or experience a bad hair day. Don't sweat it. Strive for excellence, not perfection. Keeping in mind that it's impossible to please everybody. Trust me; I've tried.

Why torture yourself? Just don't over-indulge. Moderation is key here.

Make it a real family affair. For example, for Thanksgiving, I hosted a "pot luck" at my house. It was delightful. Doing so gave everyone an opportunity to share their signature dish, and meant less cooking and preparation for me. It also provided for a greater diversity of side dishes and desserts. 
It works if you work it!

Let's face it. Your family probably won't be as harmonious as the Brady bunch. Or the Partridge family. Or the fine folks in Mayberry, with Andy Griffith. True? Mine either.
That doesn't mean we can't embrace how weird and wonderful they are, and show gratitude for the beauty of our collective community. Remember, we can't choose our relatives, but we can choose how we react to them and how we opt to engage with them over the holidays.

There's great truth to the adage "you can't give from an empty cup." With all your doing, make sure to make yourself a priority as well. Hello?  Carve out a little free time and a little "me time." Treat yourself to a little gift. Meditate. Medicate. Get needed rest. Have a glass of spiced eggnog. Schedule a pedicure. Whatever gets you through! 
"We shall never pass this way again."

In conclusion...

I hope something shared today made you smile, reflect, or look forward to the reason for the season. If so, I'd love to hear from you in the comments. Thanks for stopping by.

Wishing you and yours a joyous, abundant, safe holiday season!
Pen & Prosper is slated to return around February, 2025.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Quick Quotations Worth Lengthy Reflection...


Happy fall, all!

Raise your hand if the recent political landscape, upcoming holidays, and frantic pace this year has you in need of some peace and positivity. Some encouraging words. Some hope.

If so, today's post will put you on the "write" path. To many of you that have followed this blog for some time, I'm sure it's no secret that I love quotes!

They're so versatile and multi-functional. Wouldn't you agree? Quotes can be used as writing prompts; as an introductory opening for essays; or points to ponder.

With this in mind, I hope you'll read, enjoy, and reflect upon the ones shared today. Some are spiritual, while others are practical.

Please feel free to provide your own favorite quotes in the comments section.


"Our past doesn't have to be our prison." ---The Equalizer Show

" If it's predictable, it's preventable." ---Author unknown

"Peace is power." ---Joel Osteen

"My goal in life is not to be someone famous or great, but to be greatly remembered when I'm gone."---Jennifer Brown Banks

"Volunteer. Sometimes the jobs no one wants conceal big opportunities."---Life's Little Instruction Book.

"It gets greater later!" --- Bevvy Smith

"If you don't have time to read, you don't have time (or the tools) to write." ---Stephen King

"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice in it."--- Psalm

"I have learned to be content in whatsoever state I am in." ---Phillipians 4:11

"Without music life would be a mistake."---Friedrich Nietzsche

"Love the giver more than the gift."---Brigham Young


Do you have a favorite quote here or one of your own?

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Branding Blunders! The Martha Stewart Saga...


This post was unplanned. But, like most creative folks, I am motivated to write as my muse inspires...and sometimes she's more generous than others. So here we are. I particularly enjoy seizing opportunities to pen pieces that I feel are purposeful with an educational component. 

I hope you find today's post to meet that criteria. I invite you to grab your favorite brew and read on. And if you have thoughts on this post, l would really dig it if you would leave a comment to share your feedback.

This week, while tuning into the daytime talk show, The View, one of the hot topics was lifestyle diva, Martha Stewart and her recent disclosure of infidelity with her former hubby. To say that I was stunned would be an understatement. I felt as disappointed as a kid first learning that there's no Santa Claus.

For the record, I have been a huge Martha Stewart fan for decades. I've watched her career over the years; written about her in numerous articles; followed her recipes; and purchased her products. I believe in her brand. In her quality standards. In her integrity.

But, much like Joy Behar (one of the hosts of The View), I am totally baffled as to why Martha would make the decision to go public about something so private.

Don't get me wrong. My position here is not to judge her. Nor to serve as her image consultant. Instead it's to use this as a teachable moment for those of us who have professional careers in the public and platforms. You with me here?


Even when it's not intentional or strategic, whether you sell books, create blogs, or have tangible products in a store, your collective efforts over time are building a brand. This includes your business cards, your social media threads, your online image, your books, etc.

It takes a lot of hard work to build a solid brand; yet it can be dismantled with one simple act or bad decision. Freedom of speech is not always free. Hello?

I understand that sex sells. I understand that controversy sometimes garners followers, and the more followers one has, the greater the potential to sell books, make money, close deals. But, is it worth it? Consider the people that could be potentially damaged by it. Be it your family members, friends, fans or stakeholders.

Some things private should stay that way. Leave confessionals for your priest or your personal diary. Unless what you're sharing is something intended to give someone else struggling with the same challenge encouragement, hope, or courage.

Like battling a disease, dealing with loss, or increasing their faith and spiritual walk.

That's my take on the topic. What's yours?

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

How to Write Flash Fiction For Fun & Profit

Flash Fiction is the label literary folks have put on fiction that’s super-duper short. Ask 100 editors what the word count is, and you’ll get 100 different answers…200 if you come back a year later and ask again. Generally, we can assume anything under 5,000 words might count and anything under 500 words definitely counts. My flash fiction newsletter, Flash in a Flash, cuts it off at 1,000 words. 

Jennifer invited me to come on today and talk a bit about why flash fiction is fun, why authors might want to try some out, and a few places that might pay for yours. 

Sound fun? Good. Let’s get started. 

Why Flash Fiction is Fun

Readers enjoy flash fiction for different reasons, but a few things keep popping up when we ask

It’s quick to consume, something people can dip into on a work break or riding  public transportation. On days when time isn’t there to read a chapter in a novel, we can still get our reading fix in.

It’s punchy. The form forces authors to get to the point quickly, and deliver the feels. Flash fiction often hits harder than longer works because of this. 

Instant gratification isn’t just for video games. Dopamine is real, and flash fiction delivers. 

It offers a lot of different reading experiences in a short time, for readers who like variety.

It’s mobile-friendly as compared to longer phones: just the thing to bring up on your phone while you’re out in the world.

There are as many other reasons as there are readers, but those are the top five. They explain why flash has been enjoying a bit of an ascendance over the past five years or so.

Why Authors Should Try Flash Fiction

The most important fun aspect of flash fiction (for me, at least) is that you get to be creative. You’re not bound by genre for most markets. You’re not bound by a commitment to a long piece. You can play with style, structure, voice, and weird concepts that came to you in the shower that one time. 

Almost every author I’ve ever met has a notebook of ideas they’ve never gotten around to working on. Given the “I should write that” pile most of us have, we never will. Flash fiction is an outlet for those ideas, a set of literary monkey bars too few of us take the opportunity to swing on. 

It can also give you immediate feedback. Flash fiction sites tend to have a rapid publishing schedule, and the stories take only a short time to read. You’ll hear what people think of your work early and often, which is a welcome change for many of us. 

Flash fiction is an opportunity to get loose, get weird, and get feedback. More of us should take that chance. 

How to Win Fans and Thrill Audiences

It’s possible I’ve suggested that writing flash fiction is easy. It’s not. It can be fun, and it doesn’t take a long time, but telling a complete and compelling story in just a few hundred words is a challenge. A few tips to start out:

Start in the middle (or the end) of the action. Let the readers imagine and intuit what comes before. 

End as soon as the crux of the story is over. Never provide an epilogue, or explain the consequences.

Focus on a single event, moment, or emotion. These stories aren’t the place for sweeping exploration.

Make every word count by trimming all the fat and using the most powerful vocabulary you can manage.

Don’t just make tension the core of the story, make it the whole story.

Make the ending surprising or resonant.

Edit with absolute ruthlessness. Cut your prose to the bone. 

An overarching method is to leave much more to the reader’s imagination. Rather than spell out all but the most essential details, imply the depth, breadth, past, and future. This freedom for the reader is one of the reasons flash fiction is so effective and popular. 

A Few of My Favorite Markets

If you’re not convinced you want to try writing some flash fiction, that’s okay. You do you. I’m not mad…just very disappointed. If you would like to give it a shot, here are some places that buy great flash from great authors. 

Vestal Review does two tiers of flash: those up to 500 words, for which they pay $50, and those in the 500 to 1,000 word range for which they pay $25. I guess they really buy into that Twain quote about writing a long letter because he didn’t have time to write a short one. They prefer stories with a twist.

Flash Fiction Online accepts stories in the 500 to 1000 word range, and pays $80 for them. They accept all genres, though your chances are better with literary or speculative fiction and pretty slim for graphic horror and erotica. They are a higher-paying market, so expect tighter competition than with other options. 

The Molotov Cocktail goes darker and edgier than most but is a good home for stuff you might not want to show your mom. Word count limit is 1,000. They pay $10 to $20 per story, and have themed contests with higher payouts to the winners.

Flash in a Flash. I mentioned this one earlier, because it’s my own project. We publish two stories a week and an annual anthology. Word count limit is 1,000. At present we pay $5 for the newsletter, and another $5 if your story gets picked for the anthology, and plan to increase that as we grow enough to get some ad revenue.  

Brevity. The market is smaller, but some sites like Brevity pay for nonfiction flash. If you’d like to give that a try, they pay a “modest honorarium” for slash nonfiction of 750 words or less.

One Last Little Thing…

I’m going to put my marketing hat on here for a second and talk about one final advantage of writing flash fiction from time to time. It’s an opportunity to A/B test some of your ideas. 

Generally, we shouldn’t “write to market” and instead follow our passions. But if you have a couple of ideas for your next book, and you’re genuinely equally (or almost equally) into both of them…write a few pieces of flash fiction related to both and put them out into the world. Whichever one generates the strongest response is the book you write next. 


In the 22 years of his professional writing career, Jason Brick has been involved in over 100 books and written more than 6,000 articles for online and print publications. He is the skipper of Flash in a Flash, a newsletter delivering flash fiction to subscribers twice every week. He lives in Oregon where he practices martial arts, plays tabletop role-playing games, and spoils his wife and sons. 

Thoughts, readers?

Image credits: Freedigitalphotos.net