
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Top Tips for Using Writing Time Productively


One of my biggest fears as a writer is being inefficient and wasting my writing time.
After all, time is the only non-renewable resource we have. Making the most of writing time is key to achieving success as an independent writer.
Today, I’d like to share my top tips for using your writing time productively. There are a mixture of ideas and techniques so hopefully you find something that resonates with you.

Experiment Until You Find Your Best Way Of Working

There’s nothing worse than feeling overwhelmed as a writer. It’s an absolute productivity and confidence killer.
One of the best ways to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed is to experiment with your working environment and style until you find a rhythm that works well for you.

Some of the factors to experiment with include -

Your writing location. Sometimes, changing environment can increase your output. This could involve writing in a totally different location, such as a coffee shop or coworking space, or simply switching to a different room in your house.
The time of day you write. If you have flexibility regarding the time of day you write, consider seeing if making a change helps your productivity. Some people assume they work better at a particular time of day, but when they actually test this, they find it to be untrue.
The ratio of writing/resting time and your total writing time. Some people are sprinters, others are more slow and steady. Experimenting with your writing pattern can help unlock extra productivity.

Use Apps To Maximize Your Productivity

Nowadays, there’s an app for everything, and writer productivity is no exception.
Consider using the following tools to help increase your output and focus -

 Forest - Are you often distracted by your smartphone? We all know that apps are designed to monopolize our attention through irresistible notifications and other forms of manipulation. Forest is a cool way of staying off your smartphone by growing a tree during the period you stay focused. If you cave in and check your phone, the tree dies!

Ommwriter - One of the hazards of writing is staying on track regarding word count and not getting distracted by the myriad possibilities your computer offers. Ommwriter is a minimalist writing interface which pairs visual and audio content to enhance your focus and keep you in the zone.

Focus - Human willpower is a finite thing. Thankfully, Focus takes the choice to be productive out of your hands. You can set Focus to prevent access to certain websites and apps for a defined period of time, forcing you to write.

These three apps are the tip of the iceberg. No matter your struggle or challenge with focus and time management, there’s an app for that!

Track Your Time

“What gets measured gets managed” - Peter Drucker

Do you ever have the feeling that time has flown by, but you have nothing to show for it?
Often, knowing precisely where our time is spent is the key to using it in a more productive way.
Rescue Time tracks everything you do and presents it to you in an impossible to ignore report. You can then use this as a basis for altering the time you spend on any particular task in order to focus on your priorities rather than procrastination.

It’s important to not go overboard with this. Just as diets need cheat days, and bodybuilders need periods of rest, you need to allow time for your brain to rest and recharge. This is essential to avoiding creative burnout.

Time Management Takeaways

I trust that this article has been a productive use of your time!

To recap -
Experiment with your working pattern
● Find apps designed to overcome your personal challenges
● Track your time and make sure you’re spending it wisely

Your turn.

If you have any time management tips you think your fellow writers would love, it would be wonderful to hear from you in the comments.


Dave Chesson is the book marketing Super-Nerd behind His focus is on providing in-depth, actionable information for indie authors, such as his recent guide to book writing software. His free time is spent reading, immersing himself in sci-fi culture, and spending time with his family in Tennessee.


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  1. Dave's tips are timely. Now that I am retired, I am less efficient with my time than when i had limited writing time. I have to fix that. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Lin,
    We appreciate your time and feedback.

  3. Appreciate the recommendation. Let me try it out.
