"Required reading" for today's smart writer.

"Required reading" for today's smart writer.
Information & inspiration to hone your craft and increase your cash...Since 2009

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Are You Dropping The Ball With Your Blog?

From the time a reader enters your online "field" the ball is in your court.
Will you score, fumble, or drop the ball?

Here are a few factors that will influence your status and determine whether you'll emerge a winner or a loser in the overall scheme of things.

1. The Design and set-up. Truth be told, few of us are expert graphic designers or artists. That's a given. Still, first impressions are important. Make sure that yours is one that will be "lasting" in a positive way, by using complementary colors, an attractive and easy to read font, and easily identifiable sections on your blog. Remember the K.I.S.S. Principle.
2. Intriguing titles with quality content to back it up! Titles are important "teasers" that when effectively done, can draw readers in and hold them captive. Keep them reading and returning by backing it up with interesting, well written material that addresses your particular niche.
3. Authenticity---They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; still copying content or faking who you are is definitely not cool when it comes to the blogging game. And rest assured, you'll pay a penalty!
4. Consistency---Opinion varies in terms of the best posting frequency schedule, but for optimal results, once a week is a good target. Anything less is not a pursuit, but rather a past-time.
5. Careless Errors---Things like incorrectly spelled words, poor grammar, and excessive typos are a turn-off for many.
6. The "silent treatment"---Respond to readers' comments in a timely and thoughtful manner. It creates good karma and shows value for other folks' time.
7. Additional Resources---Give your blog readers more bang for their buck! Though it's nice to have a little exclusive "attention", it's really cool to increase your value and the chances for repeat visits by offering up other recommended blogs in your niche, or interesting books, classes, and industry happenings.

Follow these fabulous tips and you'll be a M.V.P. (most valuable player) in the blogging game!

What's your take on this topic? Are you dropping the ball with any of these issues?
Share your thoughts...

Image: Luigi Diamanti


  1. Great advice! These elements are ones that appeal when visiting a blog, and ones that I strive for on my blog. Always thinking and reassessing the message and image I put forth when blogging. Good stuff, thanks.

  2. Hi Karen,

    Thanks! Good input from someone I consider a "star player." :-)

  3. Offering additional resources (#7) adds value and support to posts. Especially when using statistics or offering technical info.
    Another winner Jen!

  4. Thanks, Nikola! You're a winner too!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love the advice as always and try to adhere to these things ! :)

  7. Peter's page--and you're doing a bang up job, girl!

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing...

  8. Hi! I'm Katie, your thoughts are amazing! I find what you write is inspiring. I'm a freshman in high school, so I don't have enough time or stamina to fallow all your rules. (consistansy) Anyways, I totally see myself as a writer when I'm older. And, your blog has given me great advice! I just wanted to thank you. So, thank you!

    God Bless, Katie

  9. Katie,

    How sweet of you! You have made my day!
    Being a writer is such a cool way to go! Take your time, learn as much as you can along the way. I'll be rooting for you! Let me know if I can help. Thanks for your thoughts.

  10. Thanks for the offer! I will definately take you up on that! Actually this year I'm trying out new things like taking advanced english classes, and journalism!

  11. As a relative newbie, I really value this advice. And for a second there, I thought you meant MVP = Microsoft Most Valuable Professional!

  12. Hi gargimehra,

    Glad you found value here. We hope to find you here more often. Thanks for your visit and your thoughts.
