
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Pen & Prosper Celebrates I Love to Write Day!

The PAC Method for Writers: How Prayer, Attitude, and Confidence Can Lead You to a Successful Writing Journey.

Reviewed by Karen Lange

John Riddle (creator of I Love to Write Day) provides the framework from which writers can gain a better perspective to move ahead in their literary journey, in this engaging book of personal essays by writers of all genres. Prayer, attitude, and confidence - these three elements are the keys to help develop not only one's writing skills, but the assurance that their words can and will make a difference.

This inspiring collection also includes encouragement, guidance, and wonderfully rich insight into the ups and downs of the writing life. These creative professionals share their advice and the pearls of wisdom that helped them stay the course.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading my fellow writers' stories; their candor was refreshing, enlightening, and supportive. 

No matter where one might be on their creative journey, there is always something to learn. Always. Whether it's a matter of refining our character or attitude, sharpening our skills, or simply being quiet and trusting for the revelations we need to forge ahead, we can walk in our divine purpose. All writers, I think, would benefit from the support and sage advice within these pages. Highly recommended!

This is a four-star **** read.

The PAC Method for Writers is available in paperback or ebook on Amazon.


Karen Lange is a freelance writer, content creator, and editor. She specializes in home improvement, but happily writes about other exciting topics, too. Connect with her on LinkedIn



Writing, for me, can be therapeutic, and a wonderful way to record, sort, and process information, thoughts, and feelings. It offers clarity and helps me to articulate things that might otherwise be jumbled and unorganized. When doing research for freelancing or wanting to meditate on scripture, writing helps me ponder, retain, and memorize as needed. Writing is such a wonderful way for us to express our unique voice, to share with others, and to make a difference in this world. As a freelance writer, I'm blessed to be able to do something that I love. 


I love to write because it affords me visibility and a voice, in a world that sometimes invalidates and makes invisible, women of color. I love that it helps me to connect with people across the world and share our humanity, our common struggles, and our individual views. I love that it relaxes and restores me. I dig the permanence of writing, in leaving one's legacy.


I do it because it's as important to me as breathing. 
Throughout my life, no matter what was happening, it was taken care of through writing. 
To me, it's balm for the soul.  
I started writing my blog, Writing Straight from the Heart, ( in 2009. Soon I will write my 4000th post!  My followers are precious to me. However, when I first began the blog, I had no idea if anyone at all would want to read it but I started it anyway.

Thank you, Jennifer, for asking writers why they like to write. 

RED THE POET (Poet & Playwright)

Writing is like giving birth, creatively. I like the idea of breathing life into characters. I like taking everyday situations and dealing with them creatively, to provide life lessons.

Your turn, readers. 

If you love to write, I'd love to hear from you today in the comments section.

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  1. Happy I Love to Write Day, Jen! It's wonderful to hear why your fellow writers love to write. What a great way to get to know them a little better. :) Thanks for sharing the book review. It's a gem, and hopefully will inspire many others along this road too.

  2. Hi Karen, You remind me today of yet another reason I love being a writer: meeting and making friends with quality people like you. :-)

  3. Thanks for this book review, Jennifer. I will try to get a copy. I can relate to writing ups and downs!

    1. Hi Yasmin,
      Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your time.

  4. It was truly inspiring to read why other writers love to write. As a fellow scribe, I relate to all these things. Thanks to everyone who shared their love of writing with the world.
