
Monday, October 30, 2017

7 Ways to Overcome Writer's Overwhelm!

It's a Monday. And like most hectic days, it starts out with chocolate.
This time a slice of cake.
Love me, don't judge me. :-)

Already in place this week on my "to-do- list" is setting up a new blog with business cards for a former client; planning for a book signing in the next few weeks; invoicing; yard work; and an appointment for routine screenings.

And did I mention NANOWRIMO is right around the corner, followed closely by the holiday creep?
Truth is, no matter how we try to plan our lives, schedule, control, or plead with it, it often has its own agenda and unfolding. True?
It can make you want to crawl under the covers and bury your head...until further notice.

Which is why today's post offers tips to help you get a better grasp on your creative life and your sanity. And breathe a little easier, my friend.
So grab a cup of your favorite brew and let's get started.





1. Plan when possible, but be flexible.

I find that even though my days can be sidetracked by unexpected things, starting out with a general "game plan" at least provides a sense of structure and direction. And you will too. The night before, try to list at least 5 important things to do the next day. It doesn't have to be complicated or major. You can even plug these items in on your cell phone for ease and efficiency. The key is to better manage your time, so that your tasks align with your goals, commitments and values.

2. Prioritize properly.

One thing that I often struggle with is feeling that I have to tend to everything immediately. Not true.
Though it feels great to get things off my to-do list, assigning them equal importance and urgency only creates unnecessary pressure.

3. Pray.

Releasing to a higher source, the things that I can't control helps me to feel a little less burdened and divinely supported. I recommend it. When you are stretched to the limits remember: "And this too shall pass."

4. Meditate.

Meditation is said to have many benefits. Among them are mental clarity, peacefulness, and greater focus. Read about more benefits of meditation through this interesting article at Huffington post.

5. Strive to be proactive, instead of reactive.

For example, if you know that your busy period at your 9 to 5 gig might prevent you from meeting a client's deadline, don't wait til it's too late; communicate. This can save your reputation and your worry.

6. Seek balance.

To recharge, sometimes it's important to disconnect. Hello?
Step away from the computer. Listen to some soft jazz or classical music. Read a book. Take time out to spend with family and loved ones.  Take a nature walk.
On a related note: a great self-help book that you should definitely add to your library is "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" by Richard Carlson. See it here:
"You can't give from an empty cup."

7. Avoid high maintenance relationships.

If a client, friend, or romantic partner causes you to visit your liquor cabinet more than you'd like, it's time to reassess here. Toxic and/or demanding relationships can rob you of your peace, health, time and quality of life. Choose wisely.

Here's a bonus tip in closing: strive for excellence, not perfection.

Remember, it's important to find healthy, constructive, coping mechanisms during  turbulent times, so that you can continue to create and prosper.

You owe it to yourself, your readers and those you love.
Thanks for dropping by.

Your turn.
Thoughts? Comments? Any of these suggestions resonate with you?

Image credits:


  1. Excellent tips, Jen. Thank you. I needed this reminder today.

  2. You're welcome, Karen.
    Stay strong, my friend. lol

  3. Thank you for these timely reminders. I have started to write down the things I need to do each day. I need to do this in order to be productive and not feel as though each day creeps by me.

  4. Sorry I missed this on Monday. Could have used it then, but now is good, too! Seems that your life is an awful lot like mine. Each of these point is spot on, especially the prayer and meditation (I do them at the same time). Thank you, Jennifer.

  5. Sue,
    Glad this resonated with you. Always love to hear when it does.
    Wishing you a wonderful, magical fall, dearie.
