
Monday, May 30, 2011

4 UNexpected Things to Expect From Blogging!

Happy Holiday...
As many of you are aware, next month, Pen and Prosper will celebrate two years in the Blogosphere! Yay!

So I thought it would be kinda' groovy to reflect upon what I've learned both here at my site, and also collectively through guest posting at some fabulous spots as well.

Whether you've been at it for two months, two years, or beyond. Here are a few surprising things you'll discover along the way.

1). Blogging is harder than it looks.
Whew! It really is folks. Though it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to pull it off, it does take a great deal of creativity, commitment, patience and hard work to go the distance.

2). Some of the posts you devote a great deal of time and sweat equity to will produce the least results.
And shockingly some of the stuff you think will garner very little response ends up being a huge success. Right? Go figure.

3. Blogging is a great way to "win friends and influence people."
What started out as merely a recreational medium for expression, has morphed into endless opportunities for folks to make money, connect with great people, champion a cause, and an array of other perks and possibilities.

4. Blogging can become addictive!
Yep. It starts a little at a time. In small and subtle ways. Then before you know it, it begins to be as habit forming as dark chocolate, or the "soaps"! :-)

How about you? What about blogging has surprised you thus far? Any of these ring true for you?

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  1. Jennifer, blogging has helped me to be consistent. I am really thinking about what I say and how I say it. It is a structure that forces me to keep going and not give up. Blogging is also another form of sisterhood or writerhood. I have met many wonderful people. Thank you, Jennifer, for all of your helpful and practical advice.

  2. Jennifer Brown BanksMay 30, 2011 at 8:03 AM

    Hi Barb,

    How wonderful to have you here today. Good point you make--how Blogging is another form of sisterhood. I also agree that it can assist with structure and perseverance. :-)

    B/T/W/ Please Email me @ with your mailing address. You won Yasmin's poetry book in our contest. Thanks!

  3. All of these ring true for me in blogging. I agree that it takes work not only writing your own blog posts, but visiting and commenting on other blogs which I love to do. Recently, my laptop was on the blink and I just about freaked out trying to figure out how I was going to keep my blog up-to-date, this might relate to #4 in your post :-)

  4. Jennifer Brown BanksMay 30, 2011 at 9:39 AM


    Girl, I know the feeling. Been there, done that. :-) Glad you're back on board. Thanks for dropping by on the holiday.

  5. Blogging is definitely addictive and absolutely harder than it looks. I always enjoy reading your posts!

  6. I agree--it's definitely addictive! And, it's much harder than it looks. It's hard coming up with ideas and articulating them clearly. But I'm surprised at how much I've enjoyed connecting with other people. It's been really fun.

  7. Jennifer Brown BanksMay 30, 2011 at 7:54 PM

    Hi Wendy,

    Thanks so much. I really enjoy writing them and connecting with great readers like you!

  8. Jennifer Brown BanksMay 30, 2011 at 7:58 PM

    Hi Amy,

    How lovely to have you here. I agree--it's really no "cake walk." :-) Thanks for adding to the mix.

  9. Jen,
    You make it look easy! Thanks for all you do. I discovered that I have lost all of my blog list! As rewarding and addictive as blogging is, it can also be a pain when glitches happen.

  10. Jennifer Brown BanksMay 31, 2011 at 4:06 AM


    Thanks for the compliment. :-) Talk about glitches...I still have not been able to format my Blog the way I'd like. Particularly that right hand margin. Strange stuff keeps happening.
    So I know where you're coming from! :-) Stay the course. I very much enjoy your writing.

  11. You bet, these all ring true for me. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started a little over two years ago. It's interesting though, now that I think about it, these or similar points can be true of being self employed in general, too.

    Wouldn't trade the blogging experience for anything, though. It's a great ride. It's how you and I connected, and I am grateful for that! :)

  12. Jennifer Brown BanksMay 31, 2011 at 2:35 PM


    You make some good points. Thanks for sharing. And I too am grateful. ;-)

  13. When I first thought of starting a blog, I imagined that I would be able to write a post each day -- in just a half an hour a day. Boy, was that nutty thinking! Now that I have actually started a blog, I realize that I sometimes spend half an hour just editing and formatting a post. Given how much time it takes to write a halfway decent post, I quickly learned that the most I could commit to would be two posts a week (at least until my toddler is a bit older).

    So . . . you're absolutely right, blogging is WAY harder than it looks.

    Hope you had a good holiday!

  14. Jennifer Brown BanksJune 1, 2011 at 7:11 AM


    How true! And let's not even factor in tech glitches and other stuff. :-)

    My holiday was wonderful. Thanks for your thoughts.

  15. It's very addictive but it does allow for consistency. And yes, it is hard work. When I started, I was just doing it because someone told me to. Now, I have a plan and know what I will be doing. Kinda like an editorial schedule.

  16. Jennifer Brown BanksJune 4, 2011 at 10:02 AM

    Good points and good plan. Thanks for sharing.
